Std 6 to 8 Home Learning Time table DD Girnar December 2020
Std 6 to 8 Home Learning Time table DD Girnar December 2020
This post we provide Information about HOME LEARNING TIME TABLE DD GIRNAR DECEMBER 2020. HOME LEARNING TIME TABLE OF DD GIRNAR December month FOR ALL GUJARAT STUDENT. DD Girnar Timetable of home learning std 6 to 8. DD Girnar std 1 to 12 October Time Table. The time table for October month. std 3 to 5 DD Girnar time table December month. DD Girnar Prasaran time table of December month. std 6 to 8 DD Girnar Prasaran time table.Std 6 to 8 Home Learning New Time Table.std 1 home learning video dd Girnar time table December 2020.std 2 home learning video dd Girnar time table October 2020.
Std 6 to 8 Home Learning Time Table DD Girnar December 2020 According to the above subject and reference, the instruction was given by the education department to conduct home learning until the students are not called in the schools. DD Girnar through Doordarshan Kendra, Ahmedabad Programs are being broadcast on the channel. Students are benefiting from these programs with the cooperation of all of you, wide publicity under good leadership. Based on the feedback of you, teacher friends as well as parents, instructions have been received for broadcasting programs for Std. 1 and 2 students through Doordarshan. Based on these suggestions, DD Girnar channel through DD Girnar channel for Std-1 and Std-1 for Std-1 and Std. The program will be broadcast from 9:30 hours (except Wednesdays and Thursdays). It is desirable that the students of Std. 1 and 8 watches this program in the presence of their parents or elder siblings. If the students of Std. 1 and 2 are young, it is very important that the instruction/information given by the teacher through the TV should be in front of them by the parents or their elder siblings and the students of Std. According to the above subject and context, it is not possible to call the students to the schools for academic work in the academic year 2020-2021, which started from June 8, due to the current Koro epidemic. So that the educational programs prepared for the students of Std. 9 to 12 from the state level for the educational work of the students are provided by Byseg through 'Vande Gujarat' channel no. - Broadcasting 24 hours from 1 to 12. Doordarshan's d.T.H. Serviced. Vande Gujarat channel is available on free dishes. Apart from this, from 19.09.2030 through TV i.e. Doordarshan Kendra D.D. Educational programs have started broadcasting from the Girnar channel. In this regard, the principals and teachers of all the secondary and higher secondary schools have informed the parents as well as the students about this "Home Learning" program through the reference-3 letter here. Due to the Corona epidemic, the program "Home Learning for Students from Std. 9th to 12th" has started airing on the DD Girnar channel from 15.06.2020. A timetable is included, in which the students of that standard, according to the date and time are given, are asked to make necessary arrangements for the success of the program by immediately informing the principals and teachers from your level so that they can see the program and progress in their academic work. In particular, when students watch the program, they are also asked to take necessary educational materials like textbooks, pens, pencils, notebooks as per the schedule and to make necessary notes in them. Keep in touch with the school principals and teachers for this "home learning" and ask them to make appropriate arrangements from your level for guidance and monitoring so that every child can watch and study this broadcast. All secondary and higher secondary schools under your jurisdiction are requested to inform them so that necessary action can be taken in this regard.
Today date of 26-6-20 and today released the new time table of dd Girnar Prasaran. DD Girnar Home Learning New time table. Home Learning time table in December 2020.DD Girnar Prasaran std 3 to 12 Decembermonth new time table.
Time TABLE STD 1 TO 12 OF DD Girnar Prasaran December 2020
04:30 To 5:00 Std 1 5:00 To 5:30 Std 2 09.00 to 09.30: STD 3 09.30 to 10.00 ; STD 4 10.00 to 10.30 STD 5 10.30 to 11.00 STD 6 11.30 to 12.00 STD 7 02.30 to 03.00 STD 8 12.00 to 01.00 STD 9/10
Standard 1 to 12 HOME LEARNING TIME TABLE DD GIRNAR December 2020
important link 1 to 2 STD December 2020 time Table
3 to 5 STD December 2020 time Table
6 to 8 STD December 2020 time Table
9 to 12 STD December 2020 time Table
Home Learning Time table DD Girnar December 2020
std 3 to 12 Home Learning video Of DD Girnar
You can Simply Click your standard and watching videos on your mobile. you can check the below link for watching videos.
The home learning program will start from 15-6-2020.
std 3 to 5 August Month time table
Virtual classrooms are planned. To ensure that children are not deprived of education, the teacher has to call his students every day and do homework with the book and learn from home learning and seek the help of local teachers to be monitored by CRC BRC. Students need to learn something new in their studies. Attended 1,13,000 online courses by teachers. The main goal is for the student to learn useful things in life and get away from the curb.
Arrangements have been made for textbook distribution for online learning. There will be a broadcast on television for which a nice video has been made and a timesheet has been made which has been circulated. Virtual classrooms will provide education to 22 lakh students at home from Microsoft, according to NCERT. The QR code is given in the textbook. How children get an education is very important. It is very important to do a careful assessment. To put the efforts of teachers in the workplace. Certificates for congratulations to teachers who have done well in this regard, taking into account online operations, QR codes, teaching children differently, parental contact awareness. Calls will start coming from CCC, in which feedback will have to be given.
New Time table of Home Learning December 2020
The Mission School of Excellence project has received approval from the World Bank. 15000 schools are made world-class. Students from private schools will be arranged to come to the government school. Admission test of students who have passed Std. 5 in Model School will be done and all will be admitted in Model School and KGBV.
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