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Monday, 14 February 2022

Matter of paying the amount of cooking cost as special assistance

 Under the POSHAN (MDM) scheme "Corona virus (COVID - 19) due to summer vacation in schools in the academic year 2020-21 from 5/02/2021 to 08/04/2021 only for 2 days cooking cost amount as special assistance.  Matter of payment. Kunking Cost Assistance - 3 days: Grain and Kuning Cost is paid to the students of Std. 1 to 8 of government primary schools under PM POSHAN (MDM) scheme for the purpose of providing nutrition to children and maintaining immunity during the period of Koro epidemic.  According to the provisions of National Food Security Act-2016, PM POSHAN (MDM scheme) is to be implemented only for school days, Sunday public holidays and Diwali-summer vacation are not included in school days so food security allowances are not required for those days.  Considering the special circumstances of the epidemic, as per the instruction received from the letter d.0.No.1-2 / 2021 / Desk (MDM) dated 19/09/2021 of the Government of India, the State Government  : -Mabhay / 2021/511 / R, from last academic year 3  P.M. in special case for all the 9 days of summer vacation 060-21 from 08/06/2021 to 08/04/2021.  Under POSHAN (M.D.M) scheme, it has been decided to deposit only the amount of funking cost in the student / guardian bank account.  Under no circumstances should grain be given for these 5 days.

 .  Resolution of the Department of Education dated 6/6/2021 from Mashhab / 150/4/6, in the last academic year 2060-21, a total of 3 days summer vacation was announced from 9/06/2021 to 3/06/2021  Was.  Therefore, all the students of Std.  As a special assistance, it has been decided to pay the amount of cooking cost only through bank account, which does not include cereals.  .  In the last academic year 2020-21, Std.  The same students who were enrolled in 1st to 5th were given the following P.M.  The POSHAN (M.D.M) scheme has to pay special assistance equal to the existing cooking cost.  Number of students enrolled in academic year 2020-21 Number of students enrolled in Std. 1 to 8 Number of students enrolled in Std. 6 to 8 Number of students enrolled in Std. 1 to 8 in the academic year 2020-21  Total number of students enrolled by the end of ૨ 5,12,50 12,5,204 per day Cooking cost per student per child. Total amount of cooking cost to be paid for total 9 days of vacation from 1/6/2050 |  / 06/2061 to Rs.40,8,8 2.2.5 3.2.5 ૩ Dt.02 / 08/2021) Rs.  20.4

 V.  Resolution No. of the Education Department dated 08/06/2071 Resolution No. of the Education Department: -Mabhay / 2031/511 / R, with the details of all the guiding instructions given in it by strictly following  Students enrolled in the school for the academic year 2020-21 for the period of 3 days summer vacation till 2021 are asked to complete the required procedure of regular payment of cooking cost as special assistance.  While for these 3 days the student or guardian does not have to distribute the food grains.  This is accompanied by the resolution dated 08/06/2021.  .  Immediate deposit in the bank account of the student / parents as per the condition of the Resolution No. of the Department of Education dated 08/06/2071 as per the condition of the Resolution No. of the Education Department:  Will have to be done.  (1).  In the period of last academic year 2060-21, to the students who have been registered till 30/09/2021 (in the period from 01/04/2081 to 08/04/2071, the amount of cooking cost has been paid to the registered students).  The amount of special assistance should be deposited in the bank account of the student guardian.  Students who were in Std-9 in the period of academic year 2020-21 and are currently in Std-9 as per the prescribed proportion of Std. 1 to 8 (as per Std. 8) and students who  If it was and is currently in Std-9, then those students will have to deposit the amount of fixed funking cost as per the prescribed proportion of Std. 6 to 8 (as per Std-8).  This involves using the details of students enrolled in the last academic year.  (2) This special assistance is not to be paid from the school level to any student who is newly enrolled in Std. 1 (newly admitted in June 2021) in the year 2021-2, as he was not enrolled in the summer vacation.  Must be kept by the office.

 1 (2) For the period of 3 days (Vacation period) from 08/08/2021 to 08/09/2071 to the registered students of summer vacation on 08/08 Primary school on daily basis.  Please send it to the amal mdm branch @ Email and commissonermdm @ gmail Email address here.  Also, the amount deposited in the bank account of the student / guardian should be given daily in the prescribed specimen form shown here on Google Drive at mdm branch @ Email address.  It remains to be seen whether there will be any delay in this matter.  (2) Accounts at school and taluka district level shall be kept up to date for the purpose of audit. Strict implementation of instructions given from here.  (3) The school level shall ensure that no student is deprived of the amount of funking cost of special assistance for summer vacation.  And Mamlatdar Shri Deputy Collector (M.B.Yo.) and District Primary Education Officer / Govt. Officer, Nagar Primary.  This should be supervised by the Education Committee, Municipal Corporation, Municipal Commissioner and Collector, and the school should also be visited / inspected regarding this payment.  (2) In addition, as per the provisions of National Food Security Act 2016 and Mid-day Meal Scheme Rule-2016, this work has to be completed within the time limit, the District / Taluka Office will have to supervise this matter.  And for the inspection of each school as per the prescribed inspection pattern, immediate planning has to be done at the district level.  This matter is requested to be given top priority.  (2) The amount of cooking cost of this special assistance is the details of the amount deposited in the bank account of the students registered in the year 2020-21.  After getting the details in -1 and 2, compiling it and verifying the information, the actual details of distribution should be sent to this office in Form-1 and 2.

 V (2) Resolution of the Education Department of the State Government dated 08/06/2071 Resolution No. of the Education Department dated 08/06/2071 to 08/04/2071 as per the approval received from Resolution no.  Whether the amount of cost for the period of 5 days summer vacation reaches all the beneficiaries in a timely manner?  It will have to be scrutinized frequently from the district level to the school / beneficiary.  According to the total number of students registered here in April 2021 sent by all the district corporations of the state, according to the form involved, a grant allocation of Rs.  If there is any discrepancy in the number of students enrolled in the district mentioned in the attached allotment form, then the Deputy Collector (M.B.Yo) will have to send an immediate report here.


 Matter of paying only cooking cost amount as special assistance for summer vacation in schools in the academic year 2020-21 from 9/08/2021 to 08/04/2021.

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