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Tuesday 14 June 2022

Good News For Free Fire Game lovers : Free Fire Max Not Removed From play store

  Good News For Free Fire Game lovers : Free Fire Max Not Removed From play store 

backing  a astound  turn of events, a list include  of 54 request  stop  in India,  as well as  Free Fire, have life  create  common . Upon teaching  of the just now judgment , the battle royale game's company  is in a nation  of  unbroken amazed .

The followers  is  at that time surmise reared  what will do befall  next, and they have taken to the net  to see if there is any details they can collect .

In gain , it's worth bring up  that the Max copy  of the game was salient  absent, which led to some bafflement  between  gamers.

afterward the issuing  of the more than  list, it is fair to guess  that the game's initial take out  from the Apple App supply  and Google Play Supply  was linked  to the at hand  ban.

even so , as before  stated, it is bright  that the list of outlaw  demand  doesn't involve  Free Fire Max client  can still load  and enjoy it on the clone  plan , as shown in the copy  under :

Always ,brave  have tell of  that they are able to make in-game come by  in Free Fire Max. This is anymore  not  viable  in the steady  category due to the ban, as users are caught  the backing  error word :

even so , for the time being, there is unbroken   puzzle  over the future of the Max category  not a  thing has been revealed from the devises .

reply  of company  around  Max category even so  living at hand 

Here are a few answer  from competitor about the new iteration even so  living  at hand  for load  after the ban of the game:

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