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Thursday 21 July 2022

my friend talking about suiside what should i suggest him?

 my friend talking about suiside what should i suggest him?

One of your close friends has been fight lately. When you messaged to see how they’re doing, they answer : “I can’t stand myself. I spend all day thinking all over the mistakes I’ve made. The world must be better off without me. At least I wouldn’t feel so awful at any time .”

No, they didn’t come right out and say, “I’m thinking all  over suicide.” Still, the central meaning of their words alarms you.

You care 

all over your friend and want to provider solace , but you’ve never had between of dying yourself, and you have no idea what to say.

How to help when they’re having suicidal thoughts

In 2018, more than 10 million Americans believe Source had grave between of suicide.

These between often arise in response to stressful or Augean life situations, including physical or mental fitness issues, trauma, abuse, loneliness, and privacy .

Not everyone who has between of suicide will make an attempt, but suicide go on the second leading cause of death among Americans ages 10–34, even so to the Centers for Disease Control and halt (CDC)Trusted Source.

It is a significant health crisis — and a curable one.

The steps under can help you help your friend between a moment of crisis.

Take them at their word

It’s a common myth that public  say all over suicide to get attention. This is not the case for most people, so it’s at all time best (and safest) to assume your friend means what they say.

Brushing off their mention of suicide invalidates their distress. They may feel opp sod to share their between with all over else or reach out for professional help .

Instead, they might keep up carrying their pain in silence, trust things will never better .

Pay attention to their language and behavior

public often say all over suicide in vague or unclear ways.

Your friend could say things that reflect a sense of shame, hopelessness, or failure. They may not say, “I want to die,” or “I want to kill myself.” Instead, they might say: 

  • “I just want the pain to stop.”
  • “I don’t know if I can go on.”
  • “I’m a burden to everyone.”
  • “I’ll never feel better.”

Their mood and actions can as well as show some signs.

You might notice they:

  • avoid spending time with public 
  • have frequent mood changes
  • sleep more or less than usual
  • drink or use drugs more than usual
  • take risks or behave more impulsively than usual
  • donor away treasured or for most belongings

These signs don’t at all time mean your friend is thinking all over suicide, but it never hurts to have a transfer when their actions or speech concern you.

Ask them directly

You can get a better idea of your friend’s immediate risk by asking a few important quiz .

  • First, realize they really are thinking of suicide by asking, “Are you thinking all over ending your life?”
  • If they say yes, ask, “Do you have a plan for how you’d do it?”
  • If they say yes, ask, “Do you already have the things you’d use?” Then ask what and where those items are.
  • Check whether they have a timeline in mind by asking, “Have you between all over when you’d end your life?”

Not everyone who thinks all over dying has a plan or the means and intent to carry out their plan. Someone who says yes to all of these quiz  and has a clear timeframe for dying, even so , demand immediate help (more on this in a moment). 

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