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Monday 26 September 2022

How to use walnuts for your skin?

 How to use walnuts for your skin?

Walnuts – touted as the “ super nut ” – are an inconceivable source of multitudinous skin-healthy nutrients. 
 Hence, if used topically, they can ameliorate the overall health of your skin. 

 Read ahead! 
 Walnuts need no preface as they make our go- to snack to munch on between reflections. They're rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential adipose acids, and hence, offer an excellent range of benefits to your health. Now, when it particularly comes to skin health, they're salutary as well. 

 Thus, walnuts are a common component in several DIY face masks. From adding redundant humidity to precluding damage to abetting in the skin’s natural complexion and further – walnuts may help you meet your skin pretensions in no time. 
 Below, we ’ve bandied the form for three easy- to- prepare walnut face masks. 
 Use walnuts +yogurt  + rose water to treat mars 

Walnuts help remove dead skin cells and also promote the cell recrudescence process of your skin. They also fight off free radical damage, reducing your threat of mars to a great extent. Yogurt has anti fungal and antibacterial parcels which help any kind of infections on your skin. It also helps reduce saturation which is a detector of mars. What’s more, rose water helps maintain your skin’s pH balance. 
 First, make a smooth paste using 1 tablespoon of mashed walnuts, 2 ladles of yogurt, and 1 tablespoon of rose water. Now, apply the admixture to your face, leave it for 15 twinkles, and also wash it off with cold water. 

 Use walnuts + turmeric +  honey for rich exfoliation 
 Walnuts help slip your skin gently and remove dead cells from there. They also add humidity to the skin, keeping it radiant all the time. Turmeric acts as a natural exfoliate, getting relieve of all the contamination from your skin. It also treats hyper pigmentation, lightens dark circles, and fights unseasonable aging of the skin. Honey, on the other hand, is rich in expectant parcels which give a defensive hedge on your skin. It protects your skin from colorful environmental damages as well. 

 Mix 2 ladles of mashed walnuts with a pinch of turmeric greasepaint and 1 tablespoon of raw honey. Apply the admixture to your face, leave it for 15 twinkles, and also wash off with lukewarm water. 
 Use walnuts+ gram flour + milk for radiant and indefensible skin 

 Rich in essential canvases , walnuts contribute to smooth and indefensible skin in no time. Gram flour, on the other hand, has a good quantum of zinc which promotes your skin’s capability to fight infections. It prevents acne flights and also slows down the aging process of the skin. Milk works as a cleaner, and significantly pulls out dead cells from your skin. It also moisturizes the skin and makes it look immature. 
 For the remedy, all you need to do is mix 1 tablespoon of mashed walnuts with 1 tablespoon of gram flour and 2 ladles of raw milk. Apply the admixture to your face, let it sit for 20 twinkles, and also wash off as usual.

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