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Tuesday 29 June 2021

Best file to calculate increments in July

A teenager says enthusiastically, "Dad, I want to be a pilot when I grow up!" His father is happy and responds, "Great! Which plane do you want to fly? Boeing 747? ’The teenagar looks at his father in surprise and says,‘ Oh no! I want to be a drone pilot! 'Dad immediately goes to the internet and finds out about this to find out if he is a drone pilot! This is the story of many houses!

Welcome to a new world of new businesses! Gone are the days when a child could only be a doctor, an engineer or a lawyer. New businesses are being created with the changing needs and understanding of human society. The world is changing so fast that now there is more need to guide their parents than children about emerging businesses! Future professions include coders, artists, painters, data analysts, robotic designers, cyber forensics experts, counselors, etc. Climate change has also brought many new businesses - sustainable and organic farming; Lifestyle Jupiter; Health and wellness specialist; Environmental writers, researchers, lawyers, etc.

Personally I think the healer’s business will play a very important role in future businesses. These healers will be a combination of many types such as - Energy Healing, Spirituality, Psychology and Intuition. The current epidemic has taught us the importance of mentel resilience. There is a special need to change the definition of health workers as we are now well aware that the physical body can only recover when the balance between mental state and psyche is proparly maintained. And the field of health and well-being is not limited to human beings. I participated in a panel discussion held in Paris on the topic - inter-racial communication; That means communicating with animals and understanding them. Then I met animal healers who could find and cure their diseases through intuitive communication with animals.

There is a lot of talk these days about giving children employment-oriented skills; But it is impossible to get employment without proper capacity. And this ability can be inside the child or it can be acquired and developed from external sources.

The biggest gift for a learning child is our help - to find out what their own strengths, skills and passions are and what they want to do with their lives. But as easy as this is to say, it is just as hard to do! The sad fact is that most children do not know what they want to do with their lives.
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Now the need is for us to encourage our children to try to find out for themselves in what field they want to go. Every child is equipped to make an incomparable contribution to this world. Let me give you an example, one of my old students - Shikhar Kamat - is involved in a unique business. He is a mentalist. It can read not only traditional magic but also human minds! Anyone sitting in the audience on stage can guess the credit card password correctly! This child not only had the courage to listen to the voice of his own heart, but also the skill and willingness to work hard to get it. Her shows and workshops bring an anero joy and surprise to the audience which is much needed in such times.

Adolescents often make these choices under the pressure of peers (other children their own age) or even their own misconceptions about the profession. The solution to this misunderstanding is very simple. Let them work in this field - through a school project or through your own acquaintances - as an assistant. This will give them a true picture of the field.

Nowadays children have a wealth of information so that they are more aware of what is going on in the world. To be honest parents need to listen to the child and motivate him to explore and express ideas. Many parents tell me that they never 'pressurize' their child and that they have the freedom to decide what they want to do. But in their conversations, they inadvertently give more value to a single business. For example, praising a relative - who is a doctor or an engineer - and saying 'you are just like that'. This is a sign for the child and it builds up in his mind that he too should grow up and become one!

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Teenagers often choose a business based on their parents' expectations and unfulfilled ambitions. I have seen parents forcing their children to learn to dance, to play cricket or to become engineers. They are also successful, but at what cost? The young woman who spent years teaching dance has left today. Not only that, he is disgusted with dancing! The young man who finished engineering kept going into depression and after he got out of it he left all this and became a musician. Her conversation with her parents is closed. The parents suffer because they sacrificed everything so that one of their sons could have a stable career, but they did not give their child the right to choose what his heart wanted.

And to be honest, the right way to choose in such matters is to listen to the heart rather than just the brain or the intellect because that thing gives us pleasure. And the thing that makes us happy is that we feel 'work'!

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