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Monday 2 May 2022

Moderate diet and healthy life

Moderate diet and healthy life

Just as it is necessary to breathe in order to live, it is equally necessary to give the body the necessary and nutritious food to keep it healthy. In today's modern world people are going crazy over all the fancy food products but often they don't get enough nutrition. Small and big troubles can be avoided if every man consciously begins to find nutrition in everything. And many diseases can be avoided by taking care of all the nutritious items in the daily diet.

In this way, diet is the only medicine. From time immemorial it has been observed that some of the things we eat and drink are used as medicine. Everything has its own merits. If we understand that and use it, we will not have to take more medicines.

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Diet is the essential substance for our body to function. Diet is made up of many things. We need all the carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals for the nutrition of the body. And all these things we get from different things to eat.

It is said that food is an army that works together to protect our bodies. Next let’s figure out which of the following items we can take.

First of all let's talk about vegetables. It is necessary to eat 2 to 3 bowls of vegetables a day. Vegetables provide us with plenty of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Apart from that vegetables help in increasing our digestion and immunity.

Take salad or soup and salad every day at meal time. There are also many benefits to eating overcooked vegetables.

We also get a lot of vitamins and minerals from fruits. It is very beneficial to eat 2-3 fruits a day. Fruits also provide us with a good amount of fiber. More fruit can also be taken for weight loss.

Wheat, rice, millet, sorghum etc. help us to get adequate amount of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are essential for the body's need for basic energy. From all these grains we get protein, carbohydrates and fiber etc. Eating 3 to 4 bowls of grain a day is good for our body.

Lentils / beans such as mug, mugni dal, chickpeas, tuver dal etc. are required to meet the protein needs of the body. These also contain carbohydrates, vitamins, etc. It is necessary to take 2-3 bowls of lentils / pulses a day for muscle and bone health.

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Oil, ghee etc. are essential for the body but if taken in large quantities it does more harm than good. Do not take more than 2-3 teaspoons of oil / ghee throughout the day. We get the fats we want from oil and ghee. Which is necessary to keep our joints and skin etc. healthy. But if taken in excess, it is not digested quickly and starts accumulating in the body. This increases the risk of heart disease, blood pressure, obesity.

Dried nuts also help in giving our body the good fats it needs. Cashews, almonds, figs, dates, walnuts are very beneficial. 1 handful of dried fruits can be taken daily.

Milk, milk products provide us with essential nutrients like protein, calcium. Things like yogurt, cheese, cheese are needed to take care of our intestines. It improves digestion.

We all know that wheat and rice provide carbohydrates and lentils, beans and milk provide protein, while vegetables, fruits, etc. help us to get vitamins and minerals. But apart from that we use other things in our daily life but we do not know its importance. Our spices like chilli, turmeric, cumin, rye, cinnamon etc. are useful to us in many other ways besides taste. Which is very beneficial if taken proportionately and methodically.

Below are some spices and their uses.

Cardamom: Cardamom has the ability to fight cancer. It also helps in lowering blood pressure. As well as relieving abdominal pain. It is rich in zinc and magnesium.

Chili: Chili is very important in cooking. As well as taste, it also helps in enhancing digestion. It helps keep blood vessels healthy.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon is beneficial in lowering cholesterol, lowering blood sugar and relieving stomach problems. It is also helpful in reducing inflammation.

Cumin: Cumin helps in reducing stomach acidity. And also beneficial for heart diseases. Cumin also helps in weight loss.

Garlic: Garlic helps in reducing heart diseases. It removes bad fats from the body and also prevents cancer from growing.

Ginger: Ginger is beneficial in many ways. Ginger prevents nausea, and is also helpful in reducing intestinal inflammation.

Turmeric: Turmeric removes inflammation. Turmeric is also used to prevent any type of infection. Turmeric also helps in asthma.

Cloves: Cloves help in diarrhea and vomiting. Clove is also helpful in any kind of allergy.

Fenugreek: Fenugreek helps in lowering blood sugar. Also helps to increase the function of insulin.

In Gujarati it is said that "food is the only medicine", but nowadays people do not have time to think about it. So even minor ailments need to be treated. If we go to the kitchen and pay a little attention, the medicine for these small and big problems will be found there. Many of these diseases and ailments can be relieved if all these things are used wisely.

A balanced diet cannot be replaced by a healthy diet. You are what you eat. You may be surprised if you live on junk food and believe that eating foods rich in vitamins to protect against food related diseases. However, if you ask different people what a balanced diet is all about, you will get different answers. Nutrition is a new science and vitamins have only been discovered in the last century. Additionally, frequent dietary changes are recommended to maintain good health. This is a surprise to many who are confused.

Vitamins - Feeling healthy The recommended food allowance (RDA's) is the standard for food and nutrition made by unions around the world. Which gives us guidelines on how much we need to take each vitamin to avoid deficiency every day. Although the level of country recommendation varies from country to country, the RDA is calculated to meet the needs of healthy people, compared to meeting the needs of sick people, living under pressure, on medication or in an environment in which the need for nutrients increases.

It is for people who are not particularly active. Apart from this, those who exercise more need more. The US RDA, for example, recommends a daily intake of 20 milliliters of vitamin C, which is enough to prevent a minor illness such as agarwood. However, if you smoke, each cigarette will reduce the amount of vitamin C in your body by 15 grams. Your body will need more vitamin C if you are stressed. If you suffer from an infection, you need extra stored vitamin C, which will support your ability to fight disease. So your vitamin C level will be completely depleted and you will be deficient in it. Even though this way people will get RDA of vitamins in all their diet, it does not mean that they are free from the risk of nutrient based diseases.

Nutrition is an individual matter. When a particular nutrient is healthy for one person, it may be inadequate for another. While a balanced diet normally prevents diseases caused by vitamin deficiencies, it may not ensure the best health for all. This means that although severe vitamin deficiencies are rare in developed countries, there are many people who feel that they are not healthy and do not look good or that they should not look good. While a vitamin supplement will probably help.

Health insurance for your body The formula of a high quality multi-vitamin and multi-mineral serves as the foundation of a nutrition supplement program. However, this does not mean that a loss will happen automatically if you do not get a replacement. Research has established that safety and skills are vitamin supplements. So don't take any risks and use vitamin supplements.

The following is an instruction to take food every day

Serve about 2-3 times with carbohydrates (about 2.1 / 2 cups of brown rice or whole grain noodles or 2-3 whole wheat bread crumbs (N.B: no white rice or white bread which is not nutritious).

Serve vegetables about 2 times (2.1 / 2 cup cooked vegetables or 2 cup salad.)

About 2-3 servings of fruit (2-3 pieces of fruit or 1-2 cups of fresh cut fruit).

About 3 servings of protein (only 150 grams of fish or 108 grams of meat or one cup of beans or 2 cups of milk.)

Almost good quality fat (one tablespoon vegetable oil.)

About 2-3 cups of water. (1 - 2 liters

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