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Saturday 2 July 2022

diabetes and its treatment

diabetes and its treatment

A complete understanding of diabetes and its treatment

What diet must a diabetic patient follow

The for most of exercise in diabetes

What is diabetes?

The full name of diabetes and that we know as diabetes is ‘diabetes mellitus’. Salt (salt like honey) Sweet urine like honey means diabetes mellitus aka ‘diabetes mellitus’. From now on, for the sake of easy , the disease is assgin to only as diabetes. In a diabetic patient, there is a deficiency of endocrine insulin, and that manage glucose in the body. The main mission of insulin is to carry glucose fragment from the blood into the patient's cells. Due to the lack of insulin, glucose fragment cannot reach the patient's cells from the blood. As a result, even across the body has plenty of glucose, the body's cells cannot use it. The state of the body becomes like a state full of chaos and chaos in and that public  die of fasting  despite the abundance of food. Even across there is plenty of glucose in the body, the cells of an  diabetic patient suffer from lack of glucose. As blood glucose levels rise (more than 120 mg / dL), excess blood glucose begins to be excreted in the urine. This for most component of healthful the body is thus wasted and the patient's state worsens. He feels very hungry, thirsty and urinates a lot; And in the long run, harmful  to the eyes, heart, kidneys, nerves, etc. can lead to many issue .

Healthy man's blood - what is the normal sugar in the urine?

First of all, let's realize what "sugar" means. "Sugar" can mean "sugar" in Gujarati or "sugar" in Sanskrit. normally when it comes to "sugar" in the blood or urine, it is considered to be glucose. Glucose is an for most fuel that energizes the body's cells. Our diet consists of three main member of energy - starch ; Protein and fat. The carbohydrates that make up the largest of these three are found in many ore  distant forms of food. Cereals, lentils, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tubers, fruits, vegetables, etc. have a very large share of starch . When starch are ingested in distant forms, most of the food is finely recast into glucose behind digestion. If you have not eaten during the night, the next morning on an blank stomach you will  be find about 8 to 115 mg of glucose per 100 ml of blood in a healthy permit .

behind a meal, the digested glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream within two to three hours. Blood glucose levels rise greatly during a time  of all over half an hour to two hours behind a daily meal There must be no sugar.

ડાયાબિટીસ હોયતો શું ખાવું શું ન ખાવું આ વિડીયો જુઓ

Eat a variety of foods

Instead of eating the same foods every day, eat a variety of foods. Instead of the same type of cereal-bean-vegetable or fruit, selected distant types of cereal-bean-vegetable or fruit on a daily basis so that distant tastes can be relish and the factor  in one type of food can be repay by other food. If you get more potassium in some fruits, you will be  get more vitamins in others.

vitamins in others.

Eat as much as you use

Eat as much energy (calories) as you can use for many projects and exercise during the day. Eating foods that are more potent than you can consume on a daily basis will be  help you lose weight, and that can be dangerous for your fitness . Diabetics who are overweight must  plan their diet in such a way that they get all over 200 kcal less energy than they use for daily projects and exercise. It is easier to control diabetes if you lose half or one kilogram of weight every month and lose five kilograms a year and manage the weight loss. There is no harm flu to go hungry to reduce the energy (calories) you get from food. But low calorie foods demand to be selected . Ghee-oil-butter-meat etc. are high fat and high calorie foods. While salads, vegetables, fruits, etc. are relatively low calorie and low fat foods. Increase the intake of vegetables, salads, fruits in the diet and stop eating fried, farsan, ghee sweets, biscuits, meat etc.

Choose more salty foods

Dietary fiber must be sufficient in the diet of every fitness  person. Patients with diabetes must make sure that they have enough fiber in their diet. The fibers prevent the sudden rise of sugar in the blood. As well as preventing cholesterol from rising. Whole grains and legumes are high in fiber. Cereal grains (e.g. barley, kodari, samo, nagli) etc. have more fiber. So give desire to tell  grain grains instead of large grain grains like wheat-rice etc. Similarly choose to use hand-milled rice and wheat flour instead of milled rice instead of milled rice. Instead of lentils and peeled fruits, if possible, make it a habit to eat all fruits without peeling. The roots have almost few fibers. Prefer vegetables instead

Eat less cholesterol and less saturated fat

Cholesterol and fat reduction are responsible for most of the long-term issue that occur in diabetics. Cholesterol comes from milk and non-vegetarian foods while vegetable oils contain shoaling fats from and that cholesterol is making . Circulating fat harmful the blood vessels of diabetics, narrowing and hardening the blood vessels, and that can lead to heart disease or gangrene of the legs. Non-vegan and ghee-cream - Stop deplete butter is benefic for diabetics. In inclusion , use only oil as a vegetable supplement and stop using fried items and mouth-watering items (bhakri-thalpa, puri, paratha, etc.). All biscuits contain hydrogenated vegetable ghee, and that  is extremely dangerous for the arteries and it is desirable to stop consuming it total .

Eat foods that are not high in sugar.

It is not uncommon for a diabetic to discontinue sugary foods, but it is for most for diabetics as well as every fitness person to be careful not to exceed four teaspoons (twenty grams) a day. Excessive sweetness provides only energy (calories) without vitamins and fiber. and that  is dangerous for long term health. If sugar is to be "added" to the diet, the quota of other starch (starch, etc.) must be reduced so that the total calories do not increase.




Reduce consumption of salt soda-papad

Diabetes and hypertension are associated with each other. If one happens then the exchange of getting other disease are major increased. lofty blood disburse in a diabetic patient bluid up the risk of kidney and heart harm ful . To prevent this from happening, it is for most for every diabetic patient to reduce their intake of sodium-containing items such as salt-soda-papad. A total of six grams of salt in the day to day  diet is more than ample salt. One pinch (made up of two fingers and thumbs) hold  about two grams of salt so it is fetching not to use more than three pinches of salt per person. It is also for most to limit the use of soda-containing dishes and farsanas (e.g. ganthiya, fafda, papadi, etc.).

Stay away from addictions

Tobacco-alcohol craving  harms a healthy person as well as diabetics. perfect avoidance of such craving is essential for diabetics

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