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Saturday 23 July 2022

Solar eclipse must have been seen many times from Earth, see the picture taken from space today

 Solar eclipse must have been seen many times from Earth, see the picture taken from space today

Solar eclipse is an celestial event. We have seen a solar eclipse from Earth many more times. Its image have been captured, but have you seen this sight in space? The Solar Dynamics look out of the US space agency NASA detain the incident on camera on Wednesday. The look out detain the solar eclipse from a personal point. This view was visible just from this location .

of record even so to reports, when the solar eclipse was at its peak, the Moon covered 67 percent of it. Because of this, the Moon was visible as a dark round spot on more than half of the Sun. The main task of the Solar Dynamics look out , as well as known as SDO, is to look out the events of the Sun in space. This look out as well as monitors the emission that comes out of the Sun and can have an effect on the Earth. It as well as works on the Sun’s magnetic field, sunspots and other feature .

to late it detain an explosion in the Sun. During this, solar emission was released in space for all over 3 hours.

SDO was begin in February 2010. This is a activity of the US Space Agency and its allies.

A coronal mass ejection (CME) was as well as involved in the blast detain by SDO in the Sun. Coronal mass ejections are large clouds of solar plasma. behind a solar explosion, these clouds spread into the Sun’s magnetic field in space. Due to their rotation in space, they expand and provider they reach a space of several lakh miles.

Sometimes they collide with the magnetic field of the planets. When their direction is towards the Earth, they can cause geomagnetic concrete . Because of these, short circuits can occur in satellites and power grids can be forced . If their effect is high, they can as well as put the pilot in Earth’s orbit at risk.

even so , the picture of the solar eclipse sent by the SDO is arresting . You have rarely seen such a view of a solar eclipse in space.

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