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Tuesday 6 September 2022

5 signs your skin is crying out for hydration

 5 signs your skin is crying out for hydration             

Dehydrated skin isn't a state of overly dry skin. It can be oily, blend or normal skin type that is lacking moisture or water content and feels tight. Here are its mark . 

Do you ever feel like your skin will be  recall dry, itchy, or sensitive no matter what you do? Well, these may be the signs of dehydrated skin. Please take note that dry skin and dehydrated skin are two distant issue . In case you’re confused, we are going to today discuss the tell-tale signs and mark of dehydrated skin so that you can cure the problem ably .  


fitness Shots got in touch with Dr Rashmi Ravindra, Consultant Dermatology and shaver , Fortis Hospital, Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru, who listed signs of dehydrated skin.

Dr Ravindra says, “There are distant signs that show skin is lacking hydration. That means dehydrated skin. This occurs when a person loses more water than they take.”   

Here are 5 signs that show your skin is lacking hydration:

1. Dry skin

Dehydrated skin can result in dryness. Dr Ravindra says, “There may be a general dryness of the skin, or a patchy dryness, or scaly lesions with or without itching.” This is due to the lack of moisture content in the skin, and that happens from within.

2. Dullness

If your complexion looks dull, uneven, and tired, this may be a result of dehydrated skin.


3. Dark circles and wrinkles

When your body is not properly hydrated, dark unde-reye circles can be seen along with sunken eyes. In fact, there will be more fine lines and wrinkles, and that means skin has become less elastic.  

4. Itching

This is a very common symptom of dehydrated skin. If you’re experiencing patches, scaly and itchy skin, that clearly means your skin is lacking moisture and hydration. 

5. Dry eyes, lips and mouth

Dehydrated skin as well as  included mark such as dry eyes, dry mouth, and dry lips as well.

Side effects of dehydrated skin as well as include:

  • Breakouts or acne: Dry skin increases the likelihood that your pores may enlarge, allowing acne-causing germs to penetrate deeper into your skin. 
  • Redness: Dry skin is typically not dangerous. But if it’s neglected, dry skin can lead to skin dehydration, and that can lead to rashes, cracked skin, and redness.
  • Inflammation: Skin inflammation and rashes can lead to redness, discomfort, itching, and dryness. They can as well as be difficult to identify and treat. 
  • Congestion: Dead skin cells, sweat, pollutants, and sebum accumulate in the pores, causing congestion.
  • Increased skin sensitivity: Dehydration makes your skin more sensitive and prone to infection . Raised skin sensitivity is characterised by rashes, dry areas, and redness.

What’s the difference between dry and dehydrated skin?

Yes, here is a contrast between dry skin and dehydrated skin. In the case of dry skin, the natural oils in the skin are almost less. It can be seen in state relate with eczema or psoriatic skin or due to the natural, frequent washing of the skin or strange dry skin. Whereas in dehydrated skin, there is spares   water content that is due to spares water consumption.    

How to hydrate your skin?

1. Drink water: To keep your skin hydrated well as  an adequate amount of water intake is a must. ideally , taking at least three to four glasses of lukewarm water in the morning is of great  importance.

2. Antioxidants: Consume an adequate amount of fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet and that have antioxidant choice  . This will be keep your skin soft and supple.     

3. Facial oil: If you have a dry skin tendency you can appeal  facial oil ahead and behind bath. 

4. Keep bath short: Proper bathing is essential to avoid dry skin. But do not spend a long time in the shower. Taking an  short fast bath with lukewarm water will be support .     

5. Moisturizer: Do not let go to the appeal a good amount of moisturiser and most appeal  it immediately behind bath. This is for the  regular hydration and to keep the skin supple.    


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