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Wednesday 7 September 2022

Revive dry and brittle hair with these 4 DIY shampoo recipes this summer

 Revive dry and brittle hair with these 4 DIY shampoo recipes this summer

Due to the presence of natural element , DIY shampoo can help you restore your mane's fitness  and can revive dry and brittle hair.

Flaunting long, smooth, and shiny hair is still a dream for many. most in summer. During this time, your mane demand extra care and attention. And neglecting them can result in dryness and frizz. Washing your hair with shampoo can support you get rid of the issue , but market-based result can do more harm than good. So what’s the blend  anyway? Well, DIY shampoo!  

Here are some DIY shampoo recipes for summer advice by Dr Kapoor: 


1. Oatmeal and baking soda shampoo

Take one cup of ground oatmeal and one cup of baking soda and mix both these powders in a bowl until as well combined and then transfer them to the container (preferably a container with holes for simple sprinkling). Baking soda is an very good oil-absorbing absorbent powder. It creating  your hair feel fresher by absorbing the excess sebum. It as well as support eliminate the odour. The oatmeal powder contains antioxidants and anti-bacterial properties, so it will be take care of the scalp. You could likely displace the oatmeal powder with cornstarch.  

2. Coconut milk with vitamin E oil shampoo

Take 1/4 cup coconut milk, 1/3 cup liquid castile soap, 1/2 teaspoon of vitamin E oil, and 20 drops of critical oils of choice. Combine all ingredients in an old shampoo bottle or jar of some kind and shake well so that all the ingredients can be mixed  as well. You can store this mixture in the cooler for about a month. public with normal hair types can use rosemary, chamomile, or lavender essential oils, whereas chamomile and jojoba work great for dry hair types.      

3. Jojoba oil shampoo for dry hair

Take one tablespoon of mild shampoo, one tablespoon of glycerin, half a tablespoon of jojoba oil, half a tablespoon of melted coconut oil, and 1/4 cup of distilled water. Swirl all the ingredients at once in a mixing bowl and store in an airtight container. This shampoo will be not lather as much as commercial ones, but it will be  clean your hair kindly . 


4. Baking soda clarifying shampoo

Mix half a cup of baking soda with 3 cups of water. Store it in a plastic or glass crate . You can as well as make it one serving at a time. Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with one cup of warm water. Shake well each time you want to use this natural clarifying shampoo. appeal it to your scalp and scrub it gently.     

Here are five natural factor that you can add to your regular shampoo:  

1. Rose water: Rose water is a mild astringent that can support displace dryness, irritation, oiliness, and dandruff. 


2. Aloe vera gel: Aloe vera has a plentiful provider of vitamins, minerals, and other ingredients that are linked to hair growth.

3. Shikakai water: It is a cooling agent and thus support soothe your scalp. If you have an harmful , and dry scalp, it can support choose the problem .  

4. Amla juice: Amla juice has the potential to prevent premature ageing. It can lock in moisture, keeping your hair nourished.


5. Honey: Honey has both emollient and humectant properties, creating  it a great hair moisturizer.

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