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Tuesday 20 September 2022

8 signs that you are being breadcrumbed

 8 signs that you are being bread crumbed

Subtle manipulation to keep you hooked and substantially works tbh 

 Let’s see if you're familiar with the situation You get an out- of- the-blue textbook from that one certain person who you really liked had a crush on. After a flirtatious back and forth and spending long hours texting each other, their textbook count keeps going down. After a while it happens again. 

 Still, chances are you're getting bread crumbed, If you feel like you only get enough attention to keep you hooked onto them. 
 So, what's bread crumbing? 

A manipulation fashion where one implicit mate gives words of protestation, simple conduct and just the enough attention to keep their mate in the relationship. It’s principally to keep someone hooked so they do n’t go for a romantic relationship away. An emotional abuse, bread crumbing  can be hard to figure since it's carpeted with good old “ I've been so busy ” or false pledges like “ You know I love you ” but do n’t feel to make an trouble for the relationship. 
 Feeling like you're always being pulled back from the edge of seeking love nearly differently and getting bread crumbed? Then are the signs to look out for. 

 1. Conduct do n’t match their words 

 Words like “ I miss you so much ” but noway makes the time to come see you. They may indeed say they love you but you do n’t see them make any trouble for the relationship. 
2.  Feeling that you're more interested in them than the other way around 

Every time you're around them, you feel like your interest in them and they infrequently match your energy. They give you enough so you find them fascinating and seductive. 
3.  textbooks freehand generally before erotogenic time 

 You get a lot of attention via textbooks and calls right before they want to get intimate with you, making you feel special. It could be sign. 

 4. You're confused if you're being manipulated 

 Do you feel like you're in denial whether you're being manipulated or not? Chances are you're and yes, you're being bread crumbed. 

5. They reach out profusely when you start to pull down 

 The timing imperfect . However, they show up and try to make you give them all the attention, If you post a print that suggests you enjoying too much without them.  
 7. Your musketeers do n’t completely trust them 

Your musketeers and family might see the signs way before you do and chances are they do n’t trust your mate as much. 
8 .  You feel bad about yourself after spending time with them 

 Breadcrumbs can take you on a roller coaster of feelings. They might flirt and make you full of love but they can also be ignorant of your feelings and make you feel bad of yourself.

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