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Tuesday 20 September 2022

Home Remedies For Sleep Apnea

 Home Remedies For Sleep Apnea

Do you suspect that you have sleep apnea? Don’t lose sleep over it – here’s help!

A sleep disorder known as sleep apnea is characterized by repeated pauses in breathing while sleeping. Sleep apnea may be divided into two major categories – Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea (CSA). OSA is characterized by periodic breaks in breathing caused by a temporary airway closure during sleep. Breathing regulation problems in the brain are at the root of CSA. Mixed sleep apnea occurs in some people who experience both types.

Severe snoring or snorting during sleep and excessive daytime tiredness are classic symptoms of sleep apnea. Some persons with sleep apnea also report daytime drowsiness, difficulty falling asleep, and waking up feeling tired.

Sleep apnea can be treated with a variety of medical and self-care methods. Home treatments, such as lifestyle changes, may effectively reduce symptoms of moderate sleep apnea in some people. However, medical interventions are usually necessary for those with mild to severe sleep apnea. In addition to conventional medical care, lifestyle adjustments are frequently used.

Caution: Never try to cure sleep apnea on your own without first talking to a doctor or using a treatment plan approved by your doctor.

  • Home Remedies for Sleep Apnea

Changes in one’s way of life and behavior can alleviate sleep apnea symptoms. First-line sleep apnea treatments often include lifestyle modifications such as altering sleeping positions, reducing or eliminating unhealthy eating or drinking habits, and increasing physical activity. Acupuncture and herbal medicines are two examples of alternative treatments that may assist certain people but aren’t widely used.

  • Alter your sleeping posture

Obstructive sleep apnea symptoms can be alleviated by switching to a side sleeping position. Sleeping on one’s back seems to exacerbate the condition for more than half of those who suffer from it. It’s possible that one’s tongue is sliding back and restricting the airway, making it hard to breathe, which is contributing to the worsening of symptoms. One’s airway is less likely to become obstructed if one sleeps on their side.

Training the body to sleep on one side may be accomplished in a few different ways. Pillows placed around the body might help some people shift their sleeping posture and avoid falling onto their backs.

If you suffer from sleep apnea and either can’t or don’t want to switch to sleeping on your side, propping yourself up at an angle of 60 degrees may help. To reach this position and maintain an unobstructed airway, a thick cushion or series of pillows can be used to support the head and neck.

  • Engage in physical activity

Although specialists encourage lowering weight to cure sleep apnea, new evidence shows exercise might help even if you don’t succeed in cutting calories. Exercise lowers interrupted breathing events during sleep and related drowsiness, according to a meta-analysis of research on the topic. Multiple forms of activity, from light walking to vigorous exercise, were found to reduce the incidence of sleep apnea in a large self-reporting study. More extensive studies with controlled populations are needed to determine which forms of exercise are most effective in treating sleep apnea.

  • Medicine Side Effects
Your doctor should keep a careful eye on your treatment plan if you are also taking medication to address other health conditions. If you think your current drugs are worsening your sleep apnea, you should discuss this with your doctor. Your current therapies, dosage, and potential for improvement can all be concerned with this professional.

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